Saturday, September 16, 2023
Sikatuna Beach Resort
I think it was in 2014 when I first saw this hotel by the beach. Back then it was cool but now i needs refurbishing. Went there for our monthly meeting. We made it a point to try every restaurant every monthly meeting. It was fun!
Sizzling Tanigue
Yum yum!
Tried this one here for the first time in Sikatuna Beach Resort!
I was delicious! Occidental Mindoro known for abundant seeas, It is no wonder when Tuna and alike are available. Unlike in Oriental where I am from where prize catch is being sent to Manila.
Monthly meeting! Monthly eating!
Happy Birthday Lu Justin!
Happy birthday to our baby staff Lu Justin. I can so his happiness by the not so surprised activity. Dream all you can and do all you can to succeed!
Stress Releaver
Isdaan has many features, One of which is this one, You will throw with all your might the plates, cups etc. Indeed, my stresses were released!
ANORM stands for Association of National & Provincial Offices of Oriental Mindoro. Our President Ms. Nerie of Philhealth said, she doe...
It feels your to be there. I must admit that my heart and mind enjoyed upon seeing the place. Philippines need to ha...
Nothing can compare the experiences we had in El Nido, Palawan. We did Island hopping, swimming, bar hopping etc. ...
I never thought playing Lato lato was a challenge until I tried it. It was not easy after all. Like chess you ne...