
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Where to Galera?


                               Enjoy! Enjoy!

                           We went to Puerto Galera and Calapan City for our branch outing courtesy of Mam Susan Enriquez (the better version)!
                        We rented a van from San Jose to Puerto Galera vice versa, not without stopping to Jolly Waves of Calapan City.
                          Stayed overnight in a two room "hotel" in White Beach where we had so much bonding. We are around 10. Remembered that Shiela and Lyra were preggy but nevertheless, they  joined.  
                           There we planned everthing what we will do.

WHITE BEACH:- The night is young and so are we! I had so much fun with the gang!  I must admit
                               it's been many a year ago when I made gimiks with mellenials.  I was not yet a boss
                               then.  It is different this time as I have to monitor everyone if everybody is ok. We
                               witness a fire dance where a guy proposed marriage.  We were giggling "what if
                               the girl rejected the proposal."  It will be a shame but that was a risk the guy will 
                              take if he love the girl.  It seemed that they live happily ever after.  Late at  night I                                    pretended that I was drunk already so we can go to our place without showing 
                              them that I am a killjoy.  
PONDEROSA   -  Simply Majestic!  Been there in year 2000 when we had a break in our Management 
                              Development Program (MDP).  I was  with my wife and Robert, my office mate
                              from Mindanao.  We fell in love with Ponderosa! There is no way that my staff  will
                              not see it given a chance.

INFINITY RESORT - The most expensive resort in Mindoro with a P40K a night in a cottage,  Of 
                              course we just went there for photo ops.  Infinity Resort is owned by the Morillo's
                              and upon knowing that we will go to Puerto Galera, I immediately called Tita 
                              Malou (former  UCPB Senior Teller and now the Mayor of Calapan City) if I can 
                              go there with my staff so I can show it to them.  We were all happy.

JOLLY WAVES - Jolly jolly jolly waves,  I must admit that the tickets to go inside was insane but 
                             who cares.   I am afraid of heights and I can't imagine biking in heaven about 100
                             meters long.  Yey I conquered my fear! 

BACK TO SAN JOSE - Like a song which has an ending, we went bank to San Jose with heavy but
                             happy and sattisfied hearts.    Thank you very much Mam Susan!  Sa uulitin.


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